"Why Emma, I didn't realize that you were back from England. But you don't really want to go to Hell with us, do you?"
"It's bound to happen to me eventually. I might as well scope out the territory now."
"Enough small talk," boomed the ethereal growl of Ghost Rider. "I can't keep this portal open much longer."
Nodding to Emma, I signaled to the team and everyone started jumping through the flaming oval. When it was Iceman's turn, he hesitated. You didn't have to be a telepath to see his fear.
"Professor," he said meekly, "do I really have to do this?"
"Come now, Bobby. Would you ever heard of Hercules if he hadn't performed his 12 mighty labors? No. He'd just be Herc the goat herder and would have passed into obscurity. It's only through facing great challenges that we grow. Adversity gives us strength and skills and allows us to become heroes. Learning is-"
"Alright, alright!" Iceman said, jumping through the flames. I steered my hoverchair after him and entered the Infernal Realm.